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My Blog Boo Boo

So, when I decided to migrate my site, I decided not to actually migrate, but rather to just rebuild it from scratch. Seemed like a fine idea at the time. I thought about keeping some of my old blog posts from the Writer's Toolkit, but decided not to based on the grounds I didn't think anyone actually used it for anything. Since taking down the old site a little over a week ago, I've had three different people approach me about information I had in the Writer's Toolkit. Oopsie.

My bad...

So anyway, I'm going to get started on redoing that again and in time most of the content I had before should be back. If you came looking for something I had in the Writer's Toolkit and it's now gone, I apologize, but feel free to contact me with what you may have been looking for. Feel free to contact me with requests for posts as well.


- Phill

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